United In Stride Partnered Events

Throughout the year United In Stride partners with race directors and other para-athletic organizations to make race participation as easy and as fun as possible for visually impaired athletes. Check out some of the upcoming events we’ll be at!

Sacramento, CA

Runners in a road race for the Urban Cow half marathon in Sacramento, California

Urban Cow Half Marathon, 5K Run/Walk, and Kids’ Races

October 5, 2024

Santa Barbara, CA

Santa Barbara Half Marathon and 5k

November 3, 2024

Run Training Plans

Need to train for an upcoming race or event? Check out our beginning training plans to get you started and build you up to your desired distance!

Training plans are currently under revision – new and improved plans will be available soon!

NorCal Initiative

United in Stride is partnering with Richard Hunter to serve as a regional mentor in Northern California for those with vision impairments who want to use power walking, jogging, and running to improve their fitness.

While there are a small handful of opportunities nationally for VI marathoners and triathletes with the resources to travel to destination events to come together in the community, opportunities are nearly nonexistent at the local level.

UIS has found it empowering and inspiring to be part of an event with others with vision impairment. Not only does this experience provide opportunities for camaraderie, the encouragement, networking, and mentoring that takes place is life-changing. By expanding regional events, more VI can experience the benefits of being part of a community and increases the likelihood of ongoing engagement in fitness activities. 

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